The Differences Between Cotton And Polyester As Uniform Materials – In the world of textile manufacturing, cotton and polyester seem to be the two most commonly used materials. Nevertheless, you may still be wondering about the difference between the two materials, especially in the context of uniforms. Each may have its own strength and features that can suit your needs. Eager to know more? We’ve summarized everything about cotton and polyester and the combination of both as uniform materials.

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  • Cotton

Made from cotton fiber, this material is very suitable for all types of fabrics since it’s famous for its coolness. Cotton is also known to be breathable, has the ability to absorb heat, and is able to provide good air circulation. Its surface is also quite smooth. When held, the fabric feels soft, and when used, it feels cool and comfortable. Cotton also has a good water absorption capability, so it can absorb sweat pretty well. That is why it is so often used as materials for uniforms and other tops. Cotton can also look great when it is designed in a different color. In a professional viewpoint, different uniform colors can help establish a clear hierarchy and make uniforms look better. Unfortunately, cotton does have a tendency to shrink more easily.

  • Polyester

Polyester is an alternative choice for those of you who want a quality that is almost equal to cotton at a more affordable price. This material is made from synthetic fabric, which is a kind of plastic pellet. Therefore, this material cannot absorb water very well. However, this material dries quickly. The surface of the material also tends to be shiny and slippery to the touch, feels smooth, but is less cool when used. Since it is classified as a synthetic material, polyester is also known to be very durable, will not be easily damaged, and does not shrink easily. This material is the best choice for workers who have intense physical demands as parts of their work. Nevertheless, the fabric is not as breathable as cotton.

  • CVC

CVC, which stands for Chief Value Cotton, is a fabric which combines cotton and polyester. The composition of CVC usually consists of more than 50% cotton, while the rest is polyester. Initially, CVC was designed to cut import and export costs. However, CVC is now used as an alternative in textile manufacturing, including uniforms. Uniforms made from CVC are generally breathable and soft, while still offering good durability. CVC fabrics are also available in trendy styles and classic colors, making them suitable for everyday use. Its softness is also almost similar to cotton, but at a more affordable price.

  • Polyester Cotton (Teteron Cotton/TC)

Apart from CVC, a mix of cotton and polyester can also be found in Teteron Cotton (T/C), aka polyester cotton. This fabric is quite similar to CVC, but the material composition is different. Although both are made from a mixture of cotton and polyester fibers, the polyester composition at T/C tends to be larger. Generally, the T/C composition is 65% polyester and 35% cotton. The cotton material generally used for T/C is combed cotton. Combed is a method of combing which makes the fabric texture softer, comfortable to use, and absorbs more water. This T/C material is usually used for sports uniforms.

  • Polyester Rayon (Teteron Rayon/TR)

Short for Teteron Rayon, T/R is a type of fabric which combines polyester and rayon. Rayon itself is a fiber derived from natural cellulose compounds. In general, T/R material is dominated by its polyester yarns, with a composition of 65% polyester and 35% rayon. The texture of this fabric is known to be smooth and soft like silk, with a high absorption capability like cotton. The material is also easy to paint with a very diverse color variant. However, the durability of rayon fibers tends to be low. Many think that this T/R material is very suitable for making coat uniforms.

Those are some things to know about cotton and polyester and the combination of the two materials. We at Sansan Saudaratex Jaya Textile Division are here to assist your demands on the manufacture of the two materials. As a Technology Intensive Textile industry, we are supported by modern continuous processing machines, relevant textile know-how technology and qualified human resources. We’re best known for our high quality products that answer to both international and national standard requirements.

With a monthly capacity of 2,000,000 meters, PT. Sansan Saudaratex Jaya Textile Division is open for job order/CMT for sizing, RFD (Ready For Dyeing), RFP (Ready For Print) and Finishing processes for all kinds of woven fabrics. The specialty of our product is uniform fabrics (Cotton, TC / TR) which require large quantities of color stability and have high washing resistance (using the Vat Dyeing / Vessel method). In addition, we are experts in processing trouser fabrics (high gramation fabrics) which have a stretch effect. Please contact us on the Contact page for order requests and further information.


Resources: Knitto, Sewing Parts, Rush Order Tees

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